International Trade of Goods Company

Zafer, Adile Naşit Blv. No:8 Kat : 1, 34513 Esenyurt/İstanbul

ITGCO - International Trade of Goods Company


Zafer, Adile Naşit Blv. No:8 Kat : 1, 34513 Esenyurt/İstanbul

0090 5056055005

Oil derivation Jul 2, 2024

Crystalline paraffin

9 برای مشاهده تصاویر بیشتر کلیک کنید Crystalline paraffin

Solid crystalline paraffin
Crystalline paraffin, which is the same as paraffin wax, which is mainly made of light slack wax material produced by refineries.
It is offered that because a lot of oil is taken from this product, its paraffin is completely transparent
A crystal is produced to which the paraffin is completely refined and with an oil percentage of about 0-1% or 1-2% with a point
58-60 melting point is produced.
European countries, including Eastern Europe and Türkiye, demand this product the most

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